ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Polytheistic myth as psychology

Polytheistic myths are stories about many gods and goddesses. There are different beliefs about these gods, and stories about them can be found in different cultures around the world. These myths may seem like stories about superpowers, such as Zeus throwing thunderbolts or Apollo riding across the sky in his sun chariot. But many people believe that these myths are actually ways of explaining the human mind and emotions.

Imagine that your mind is a big room with lots of different parts, like feelings of happiness, anger, jealousy, and love. Each of these parts has a personality, just like a god or goddess in a myth. In mythology, the gods and goddesses have unique personalities that influence the world around them. Similarly, each of the parts of your mind can have a unique and powerful influence on how you act and feel.

When you learn about myths and try to understand them, you can start to learn about your own mind. For example, if you read about the goddess Athena, who represents wisdom and knowledge, you might start to think about how you can use your own wisdom to solve problems in your life. Or if you read about the god Dionysus, who represents wild parties and uncontrolled behavior, you might start to think about times when you've let loose and lost control.

Myths can be a way of exploring and understanding your own thoughts and feelings. By recognizing different parts of your mind and how they work, you can start to better understand why you act and feel a certain way. Just like how the gods and goddesses in myths have unique personalities, you have a unique personality made up of many different parts of your mind. Understanding those parts can help you lead a happier and healthier life.