ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Population history of China

Hi there, young one! Today, we're going to talk about the population history of China.

You see, China is a country that is very big and has a lot of people living there. People have been living in China for a very long time, even before you or your mommy or daddy were born.

A long, long time ago, there were not so many people living in China. But as time went on, more and more people started to live there. This was because people were having babies, and the babies were growing up to have babies of their own.

At one point, there were so many people living in China that it became hard to provide enough food and such resources for everyone. But the people in China are very smart, and they found ways to make sure that everyone had enough to eat and drink.

But sometimes, bad things happen, and people might get sick and die. This happened to some people in China, and it made the population go down a bit. However, as time went on, more and more people were born again.

In recent times, the Chinese government has been trying really hard to make sure that the population doesn't get too big, because it might lead to problems. So they have put in place laws and rules about how many babies can be born and when they can be born.

So that's the population history of China, in a nutshell. People have been living there for a very long time, and they've had lots of babies. But sometimes bad things happen, and the population goes down a bit. And now, the government is trying to make sure that there aren't too many people in China.