ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Porcelain trade in Qing China

Okay kiddo, imagine you are a shopkeeper in China a really long time ago, during a time called the Qing Dynasty. You sell a lot of stuff, like clothes and food and toys, but one thing that people really like to buy from you is porcelain.

Porcelain is a type of special pottery that is very shiny and hard. It is also very pretty, often decorated with colorful designs. People use porcelain to drink tea or eat food, and sometimes just for decorations in their homes.

Now, you aren't the only shopkeeper selling porcelain. In fact, there are a lot of people in China who make porcelain, and many of them are very good at it. But there is one group of porcelain makers who are especially famous - the ones who live in an area of China called Jingdezhen.

Jingdezhen is a city where many people make porcelain. They have been doing it for a very long time - even before the Qing Dynasty started. So they are really good at it. They have special clay that is perfect for making porcelain, and they also have special ovens that can fire the porcelain at really high temperatures.

Now, the people who make porcelain in Jingdezhen want to sell it to people like you who run shops. But it's a long way from Jingdezhen to your shop - hundreds of miles, maybe even more. And in those days, there weren't any trucks or airplanes to move things quickly. So it was very hard to transport porcelain from one place to another.

But the people in Jingdezhen figured out a way to get their porcelain to you. They decided to make it into a special kind of trade, which means they would exchange their porcelain for something else that you had - like maybe silk or tea or spices. This was called the "porcelain trade."

So, they would make a whole bunch of porcelain in Jingdezhen and then put it into big wooden crates. The crates were loaded onto boats and sent down rivers in China to reach your city. Sometimes, the journey would take months, because the rivers were very slow and the boats had to stop at many ports along the way.

But when the porcelain finally arrived at your shop, it was worth it. People loved the porcelain from Jingdezhen because it was so beautiful and well-made. You could sell it for a lot of money and people would come from all over to buy it.

And that's how the porcelain trade in Qing China worked! People in Jingdezhen made beautiful porcelain, put it on boats, and sent it to shops all over the country. It was a long journey, but it was worth it because the porcelain was so special and valuable.