ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Portable collision avoidance system

When you go outside to play, you need to be careful not to run into anything like a tree or a fence, right? The same thing goes for airplanes flying in the sky. They need to be careful not to crash into each other or into other things like mountains.

A portable collision avoidance system is like a special tool that helps airplanes stay safe while they are flying nearby other planes or obstacles. This special tool has big eyes and ears that keep an eye on the other planes and on the ground to make sure that they don't get too close to anything.

The system works by sending out special signals that bounce back when they hit things like other planes or mountains. These signals help the system create a virtual map of the area around the airplane. It can detect when other planes are nearby and when they might be getting too close. When this happens, the system sends a warning to the airplane's pilot so they can take action and avoid a collision.

Just like how you might hold hands with an adult or look both ways before crossing the street, these special tools help keep airplanes safe by giving them a warning when there's a danger nearby.