ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Portable media player

Hey there little buddy! Do you like listening to music or watching videos on your phone or tablet? Well, a portable media player is kind of like a special gadget that's only for listening to music or watching videos.

It's a small device, like a mini computer, that you can hold in your hand or put in your pocket. It has a screen so you can see what you're watching or listening to, and buttons to control it.

You can store your favorite songs or videos on it, just like you do on your phone or tablet. The good thing about a portable media player is that it's only for that one thing – playing music or videos – so it's really good at doing that one job.

You can connect your media player to your computer to transfer the music or videos you want to watch, and then take it with you wherever you go.

So, if you're going on a trip or just want to listen to music without using your phone, a portable media player is a great option!