ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Portuguese Armadas

Well kiddo, a long time ago, a group of people from a country called Portugal decided they wanted to explore the world and find new things. They built big, strong ships called armadas and sailed across the seas to find new lands and countries.

These Portuguese armadas were not just ordinary ships, they were very special because they had lots of cannons and weapons on them to protect the sailors on their voyages. This made the Portuguese sailors feel safe and strong, so they could go to faraway lands without worrying about being attacked by other countries or pirates.

One of the most famous Portuguese armadas was led by a man named Vasco da Gama. He traveled all the way from Portugal to India, which was a very long distance back then! On his journey, he traded goods like spices and fabrics with people he met along the way, which helped him and his country become very rich and powerful.

The Portuguese armadas had a big impact on the world because they were the first to explore and discover new lands. They helped to create trade routes between countries and they introduced new foods, spices, and cultures to Europe. This made life more interesting and exciting for people, and it also helped to make the world a more connected place.