ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Post Attack Command and Control System

Imagine you're playing a game of tag with your friends and suddenly someone tags you and you fall down. You might start crying or feeling scared, but you know you need to come up with a plan to stay safe and figure out what to do next.

In the grown-up world, sometimes bad things happen, like an attack by bad people or a natural disaster like an earthquake or hurricane. When these things happen, there are grown-ups who are trained to stay calm and help keep people safe. One of the ways they do this is by using something called a Post Attack Command and Control System.

The Post Attack Command and Control System is like a plan that grown-ups make to help them quickly figure out what to do after an attack or disaster happens. The plan has a lot of different parts, but here are some important ones:

- Communication: grown-ups need to be able to talk to each other quickly and easily to make sure everyone knows what's going on and what to do next. They might use special radios or phones that have a strong signal that can reach far distances.
- Information gathering: grown-ups need to know what's happening in different parts of the area where the attack or disaster happened. They might fly in a helicopter to take pictures or have someone on the ground with a special camera or binoculars to see what's happening.
- Decision making: grown-ups need to make important decisions based on the information they gather. For example, they might decide to send a rescue team to a certain area or tell people to stay away from a dangerous place.
- Resources: grown-ups need to have things like food, water, medical supplies, and equipment to help them stay safe and help other people. They might bring these things in trucks, helicopters, or airplanes.

The Post Attack Command and Control System is like a superhero team that helps keep people safe after a bad thing happens. The grown-ups who use the system are like superheroes who work to make sure everyone is okay and gets the help they need.