ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Post riders

Post riders were people who carried mail from one place to another a long, long time ago. Before cars or airplanes, when people needed to communicate with each other far away, they had to use the post office. But sometimes, the post office was too slow because it needed to travel by horse or wagon. So, post riders were hired to carry mail by horseback, and they would ride really fast to deliver the mail as quickly as possible.

Post riders would often carry a big bag or "saddlebag" full of letters and other important documents. They would ride from town to town, stopping at post offices along the way to deliver or pick up new mail. Sometimes post riders would ride for several days or even weeks to deliver the mail.

Being a post rider was an important job because it helped people stay connected with each other even when they were far apart. Nowadays, we use phones, computers, and the internet to communicate with each other quickly, so we don't need post riders anymore. But they played a big part in history when people couldn't communicate with each other as easily.