ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Potato Labour Scandal 1971

Okay kiddo, do you know what potatoes are? They are a vegetable that grows in the ground, and people like to eat them in different ways, like mashed potatoes, fried potato chips, or roasted potatoes. But a long time ago, in 1971, something bad happened in the potato fields.

You see, the people who work in the potato fields are called laborers. They are usually poor and need to work hard to get money for their families. But the farmers who own the potato fields sometimes don't treat the laborers very well. In 1971, some laborers who worked in the potato fields in Maine, a state in the United States, were treated very badly by their bosses.

They were paid very little money for working long hours in the hot sun. They didn't have proper bathrooms to use, so they had to go in the fields. They didn't have clean water to drink, so they got sick from drinking dirty water. They didn't have a place to sleep, so they had to sleep in the fields. And worst of all, they were sometimes beaten or punished if they complained or made mistakes.

This is called a labor scandal because it's not fair or right to treat people this way. It's important to treat everyone with respect and fairness, no matter what job they are doing. After the scandal was exposed, people started to pay more attention to how laborers were treated and to make sure they had better working conditions.