ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Potemkin City Limits

Imagine you are playing with blocks, and you create a pretend city with tall buildings, roads, and people. You show your friends your cool city, but it's only the front part that looks nice, and the rest of the blocks are just scattered around with no organization or order.

Now, imagine that as you grow up, you become the leader of a big city, and you want to show off your awesome city to visitors from outside. You want them to think that your city is the best, even though some parts of your city may not be so great. So, you decide to create a "Potemkin City."

In a Potemkin City, you only show people the best parts of your city, like the pretty buildings, parks, and nice streets. You hide the not-so-nice parts, like the run-down homes, homeless people, or trash. It's like you're showing people only the front part of your pretend city that you made with blocks, and not the rest of it that looks messy.

This idea of the Potemkin City comes from a man named Grigory Potemkin, who was a ruler in Russia a long time ago. He wanted visitors to think that his cities were perfect, so he would have his soldiers put up fake buildings and even people to make it look like the cities were thriving. But in reality, these cities were not as great as they seemed on the surface.

So, the Potemkin City is when you only show people the good parts of your city or town, while hiding the bad parts. It's not always honest, but people do it to make their place seem better than it actually is.