ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Power car

Okay, kiddo, let's learn about power cars!

You know how when you play with your toy cars, you make them go by pushing them along the floor? Power cars work kinda like that, but instead of pushing them with your hand, they have a special motor inside that makes them go all by themselves!

The motor is like a little engine, but instead of burning gas like a real car, it uses electricity to make the wheels spin. This is why we call them "power" cars.

Some power cars have a special battery inside that you can recharge by plugging it into the wall. Other power cars might need to be plugged in all the time to stay charged up.

Now, power cars come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Some are big enough for a grown-up to sit in and drive around like a real car, while others are small enough for you to hold in your hand. There are even power cars that can drive all by themselves, without anyone controlling them!

Overall, power cars are pretty cool toys that can be lots of fun to play with. Just remember to be careful and always follow the instructions that come with your toy to stay safe!