ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prayer in the New Testament

Prayer is like talking to God. In the New Testament, there are many stories and teachings about prayer. Jesus told his followers to pray and even taught them a special prayer called the "Our Father."

In the New Testament, prayer is talked about as something that is important for Christians to do. It's a way to connect with God and ask for help, guidance, or forgiveness.

There are different types of prayers in the New Testament, like prayers of thanksgiving or prayers of petition (asking for things). The apostle Paul also talked about praying in the spirit, which means praying with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Some people in the New Testament prayed in public, while others prayed in private. Jesus taught that people should not pray just to show off or impress others. Instead, prayer is something personal that should come from the heart.

Overall, prayer in the New Testament is presented as a way to deepen one's relationship with God and seek His will and guidance in life.