ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pre-Nuragic Sardinia

So, a long time ago in a place called Sardinia, people lived there but they were not like how we are today. We call them pre-nuragic because they lived there before the Nuragic people came. They were very different because they did not build big stone towers like the Nuragic people did. Instead, they built things like smaller stone houses, walls, and tombs.

These people were also very good at making things like pottery, beads, and tools out of stone. They hunted and gathered their food, and sometimes they even grew some fruits and vegetables. They were very creative and made lots of beautiful things out of clay and other materials.

Even though they lived a long time ago, we can still learn a lot about them today by looking at the things they made and the ruins they left behind. It's like a big puzzle and archaeologists are trying to put all the pieces together to understand what life was like for these pre-nuragic people in Sardinia.