ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Predatory conference

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes we go to conferences where people talk about different things and share their knowledge? Well, just like there are good people in the world, there are also some not-so-good people who try to take advantage of others. And that’s what a predatory conference is.

A predatory conference is like a fake conference where people pretend to talk about important things, but they’re actually trying to scam other people. They might say that they’re going to talk about things that are really interesting, but they’re not. And they might even charge people lots of money to come to the conference and hear them talk.

The people who organize predatory conferences might not even care about what they’re talking about. They just want to make money by tricking others. And they’re really good at making their conference look real and important, but it’s all just pretend.

So, it’s really important for us to be careful and make sure we don’t go to any fake conferences like that. We need to only go to conferences that are organized by good people who really care about sharing their knowledge with others.