ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prefabricated home

Well kiddo, have you ever played with Lego blocks or built a fort with blankets and pillows? Building a prefabricated home is kind of like that but on a bigger scale.

Instead of building a house from scratch on the construction site like normal, a prefabricated home is built in a factory and then all the pieces are put together like a big puzzle on the land where the house will be.

The people who make the house in the factory make all the parts, like walls, floors, and even the roof. They can make sure everything is exactly the right size, shape, and color that the people who will live in the house want.

Once everything is made at the factory, the pieces are shipped to the land where the house will go. The pieces are then put together like building blocks. The people who live in the house can choose how they want things to be set up, like where the rooms will go, what kind of flooring or cabinets they want, and even the colors of the walls.

In the end, voila! A whole house is built quickly and easily, using less material and fewer workers than building a house on site. It's like building with Legos or making a fort, but grown-up style!