ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pregnancy school

Pregnancy school is a special class taught to soon-to-be moms (and sometimes dads too!) to help them understand what happens during pregnancy and how to take care of themselves and their growing baby. It is like going to a special school where a teacher teaches you all about being pregnant and having a baby.

In pregnancy school, you learn about how a baby grows inside the mom's belly. You'll learn about the different stages of pregnancy, like the first trimester, the second trimester, and the third trimester. The teacher will explain what happens to the mom's body during each of these stages, and what changes to expect.

In pregnancy school, you also learn about how to take care of yourself and your growing baby during pregnancy. You'll learn about healthy eating habits and what foods are good for you and your baby. You'll learn about the importance of exercise, rest, and sleep. You'll also learn about what things to avoid, like alcohol and cigarettes, which can harm the growing baby.

Another important part of pregnancy school is learning about what to expect during labor and delivery. The teacher will explain how contractions work and what happens when the baby is ready to come out. You might even get to practice some breathing exercises and other techniques to help you stay calm during labor.

Overall, pregnancy school is a great way for soon-to-be parents to learn what to expect during pregnancy and how to take care of themselves and their growing baby. It can help moms and dads feel more prepared and confident as they get ready to welcome a new member into their family.