ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prelog strain

Okay kiddo, let's talk about Prelog strain! Do you know what a molecule is? It's like a bunch of tiny little balls stuck together. Each ball is called an atom, and they can be different colors and types.

Now, sometimes these molecules are arranged in a way that makes it hard for them to move around or interact with other molecules. This is called Prelog strain. It's like when you try to fit a square block into a round hole - it just doesn't quite fit and it creates some discomfort.

Let's say we have a molecule called a cyclohexane with six carbon atoms arranged in a circle. If some of the atoms are pointing in the wrong direction, it can create Prelog strain. It's like if you tried to put a puzzle piece in a puzzle upside down - it doesn't fit quite right.

Prelog strain can make molecules less stable, which means they might react more easily with other molecules or break apart. Scientists try to design molecules that minimize prelog strain to make them more useful and stable.

So there you have it, kiddo - Prelog strain is like when molecules are arranged in a way that's not quite comfortable, and scientists try to fix it to make them more stable!