ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Presectarian Buddhism

Ok kiddo, let's talk about Presectarian Buddhism.

You know how there are different religions like Christianity, Islam, and Judaism? Well, a long time ago, there was a man named Siddhartha Gautama who taught people about a different way of life called Buddhism.

Before Buddhism became a big religion with lots of different groups and branches, it was just one teaching that was shared by lots of different people. This early form of Buddhism is called Presectarian Buddhism because it existed before all the different groups and sects were created.

Now, one of the main things that Presectarian Buddhism believes is that people can reach a special state of being called enlightenment. This means that they understand the world in a very deep and special way and are free from suffering.

Another important idea in Presectarian Buddhism is that everything is always changing. This means that nothing stays the same forever and that you can always work to improve yourself and the world around you.

So that's a little bit about Presectarian Buddhism, a simpler time when Buddhism was just one idea that lots of people shared.