ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Presidential system

A presidential system is when one person is chosen to be in charge of a whole country. This person, called the president, is like the boss of the whole country. They get to make big decisions about things like laws and what to do about problems that the country might have.

The president is usually chosen by the people who live in the country. This is called an election. People get to vote for who they want to be president, and the person who gets the most votes becomes the president.

The president has some helpers, called advisors or cabinet members. These people help the president make decisions and run the country. But ultimately, the president is the one who makes the final decisions.

In a presidential system, the president has a lot of power. They have control over the armed forces, they can veto laws that they don't like, and they can even make appointments to important jobs in the government.

One thing that is important to remember about a presidential system is that the president is not a king or a queen. They are still just a person, and they have to follow the laws of the country just like everyone else. But because they are the leader of the country, they have a lot of responsibility and power.