ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, do you know how we wear a seatbelt in a car to stay safe in case of an accident? Well, a preventer is like a seatbelt for boats.

You know how boats have big sails that catch the wind and make them move? Sometimes, if the wind suddenly changes or gets too strong, the sail can move too much and make the boat tip over or change speed really fast. That's not safe!

So, a preventer is a special rope that we use to keep the sail from moving too much. We attach it to the sail and then to a part of the boat called the boom, which is the long stick that sticks out sideways from the boat.

When we're sailing, the preventer keeps the sail in a safe position, even if the wind suddenly changes or gets too strong. That way, we can still move fast and stay safe on the water. So you can think of a preventer as a safety rope that keeps the boat from tipping over or moving too fast.