ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Priest hole

Ok, so imagine a really long time ago, when people had different beliefs about God and religion. Some people believed in a particular way of praying and they thought it was really important to pray in private. But, there were some very powerful leaders who didn't like this way of praying and they would punish people if they found out they were doing it.

So, some smart people came up with a solution. They built a special hiding place where people could go and pray in private without getting caught. This hiding place was called a "Priest Hole". It was usually built inside a house or a castle, and it was very hard to find because it was hidden behind walls or under floors.

People who used the Priest Hole could stay there for hours, even days, without anyone knowing they were there. They would only come out when it was safe to do so. This was a really important way for people to keep their beliefs and their traditions, even when they were being persecuted and punished for them.

Nowadays, the Priest Hole is just a part of history, but it reminds us of the importance of having the freedom to practice our own beliefs in a safe and private way.