ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prince Henry cap

Okay kiddo, imagine a really long time ago, there was a prince named Henry who lived in Portugal. He liked to explore and sail on ships to new places. But sometimes, the sailors would get lost and not know where they were going. That's when Prince Henry had an idea - he wanted to make a special kind of hat that could help sailors find their way.

So the hat he made was called the Prince Henry cap. It was like a regular hat, but it had a big metal pointer sticking out of the top. This pointer would spin around and point towards the North Star, which is really important for sailors because it helps them know which way is north even when they can't see any other landmarks.

Thanks to Prince Henry's clever invention, sailors could use the Prince Henry cap to navigate the seas more easily and find new lands to explore. And that's the story of the Prince Henry cap!