ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Principia College Historic District

Okay kiddo, so Principia College is a special place with lots of old buildings that have been there for a long time. These buildings are called the Principia College Historic District.

The Historic District is important because it helps us remember the history of Principia College and the people who built it. It includes special places like the Chapel where people go to worship and the Administration Building where people go to learn and work.

Even the trees and the sidewalks in the Historic District are special because they have been there for a long time too. We want to take care of these things so that they can be around for a long time and be special for future generations.

That's why the Historic District is protected by special rules and regulations. We can't just go and change things without thinking about it first. We have to make sure that any changes we make won't hurt the special history and importance of the area.

So, even though we might want to make changes sometimes, we have to remember to be careful and think about the people who came before us, who built the Historic District and made it so special.