ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Principles of attention stress

Okay, so let's talk about "attention stress"! This happens when we are trying to pay attention to too many things at once, or when something is demanding all of our focus and energy.

You know how sometimes you might be trying to play a game or watch a TV show, but then someone starts talking to you and you can't focus on either thing very well? That's a little bit like attention stress.

When we have too many things competing for our attention, our brain can get overloaded and start to feel stressed out. It's kind of like trying to juggle too many balls - eventually, you might start dropping some because it's just too hard to keep all of them in the air at once.

So, to help prevent attention stress, it's important to try and focus on just one thing at a time when you can. And if you do have to multitask, try to prioritize which tasks are the most important so you don't get overwhelmed.

Remember, just like how you wouldn't try to carry all the toys in the toy box at once, it's okay to take things one at a time and not try to do too much all at once!