ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prism (optics)

A prism is a special type of glass or plastic that can split white light into different colors. It works kind of like a magical mirror that reflects light in a specific way.

You know the cool rainbow colors you see in the sky after it rains? Well, those are the different colors that make up white light! When light passes through a prism, it gets bent in a special way so that the different colors spread out and you can see them all separately.

Think of it like this - imagine you have a toy car that you want to take apart and see all its parts. You could use a special tool called a screwdriver to unscrew the car and see each piece separately. Similarly, a prism can unscrew the colors of white light and let you see them all individually.

This is super important because it helps us understand that light is made up of different colors that we can't always see with our eyes. Scientists use prisms to study light and learn more about it. And it's also just really cool to see a rainbow of colors spread out on a wall from a prism!