ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pro-life feminism

Pro-life feminism is the belief that all human beings, including unborn babies, should be valued and protected. It combines the principles of feminism, which is the belief in gender equality, with the pro-life movement, which opposes abortion.

Think of it like this: Imagine you have two friends, a boy and a girl. They are different in some ways, like their hair and clothes, but they are equally important and deserve the same amount of respect and love. Just like that, pro-life feminists think that all people, regardless of their age or stage of development, should be treated with respect and protection.

Pro-life feminists believe that abortion is wrong because it takes the life of an innocent human being. They think that women and their unborn children should be supported and empowered through things like healthcare, education, and social services, rather than being told that abortion is their only option.

So, in short, pro-life feminism is about treating everyone with equal worth and dignity, from the moment of conception until natural death.