ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Proactive Discovery of Insider Threats Using Graph Analysis and Learning

Okay kiddo, do you know what graphs are? They're like pictures that show how things are connected to each other. Proactive discovery of insider threats means figuring out if someone who works for a company might do something bad to the company, like steal stuff or break things.

Graph analysis and learning are ways to look at pictures of how things are connected and figure out patterns. It's like connecting the dots to see a picture. By looking at how things are connected, we can learn what might be normal or unusual behavior.

So, when people work for a company, they do things that are recorded, like logging into computers or visiting different parts of the company network. By using graph analysis and learning, we can look at these records and see if something strange is happening.

For example, if someone who normally only works on one part of the network suddenly starts accessing lots of different areas, it might mean they're up to no good. We can use graph analysis and learning to see if this behavior is normal or if there's a reason to be suspicious.

This is important because it helps companies protect themselves from bad people who want to do harm. By using graphs, we can see patterns and behaviors that might not be easy to spot otherwise.