ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Process Specification Language

Okay, kiddo! Today we're going to talk about something called a "process specification language". It's a way that people can write down how to do something in really specific steps, so that everyone who reads it will know exactly what to do.

Let's say you and your friends are playing a game, but you want to make sure that everybody follows the rules exactly the same way. So, you might write down steps like "First, everyone rolls the dice. Then, the person with the highest number goes first. Next, players take turns moving their game pieces until someone reaches the finish line." That way, everyone knows what they need to do and when.

Now imagine this kind of thing, but instead of for a game, it's for a really complicated task or process, like building a rocket or programming a computer. Those kinds of things have lots of different steps that need to be done in a very specific order, or else the whole thing might not work! So, by using a process specification language, people can write down every single step in a really clear and precise way, which makes it easier for everyone to understand, follow, and get the job done right!