ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Process manufacturing

Process manufacturing is like baking a cake. You start with a recipe and specific ingredients, and you mix them together to make a mixture. Then, you put the mixture in the oven and it turns into a cake. In the same way, process manufacturing is a way to make products that involve a set of steps and ingredients to create a final product.

In process manufacturing, different raw materials go through a series of steps, like mixing and heating, to create a final product. For example, in making shampoo, different chemicals are mixed together in specific quantities and then heated and cooled to create the final product.

Unlike making things by hand, process manufacturing follows a very specific recipe, and the process steps are repeated over and over again to create products that are consistent in quality, size, and shape.

Process manufacturing is used to create products like food and beverages, medicine, cosmetics, and even electronics. It is an important method of production because it allows companies to make products faster, more efficiently, and with high quality.