ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Process psychology

Process psychology is a way to understand how people think and feel, and how they make decisions. Think of your mind like a big factory with lots of machines and workers. Each machine or worker has a specific job to do, and they all work together to make things happen.

In your mind, your thoughts and feelings are like the workers and machines. Each thought and feeling has a specific job to do, like helping you remember something or making you feel happy or sad.

Process psychology helps us understand how all these thoughts and feelings work together to make you who you are. Just like a factory needs a plan to make things efficiently, your mind needs a plan too. Process psychology helps us figure out what that plan is and how to make it work better.

It can be hard to understand all the different parts of your mind and how they work, but process psychology helps you see the big picture and figure out how to make things run smoothly. So, just like a factory, your mind can work better and more efficiently with process psychology.