ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Proclamation of Połaniec

The proclamation of Połaniec was when a group of farmers in Poland got together to protest against excessive taxes and corruption. They made a document called the “Proclamation of Połaniec” to explain their grievances and demands.

It was like when you and your friends get upset about something and write a letter to your teacher or principal to tell them how you feel and ask them to make things better for you.

These farmers were also upset because they were being forced to work on Sundays (which is a holy day for them) and they didn't like that. The document they made became famous and inspired other people in Poland to join their fight for justice and fair treatment.

So, the proclamation of Połaniec was a very important event in history because it was a time when regular people stood up for their rights and got their voices heard. It helped to start a movement that made things better for farmers and workers in Poland.