ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Production Rule Representation

Okay, so imagine you are playing with Legos. You want to build a castle, but you don't know how to start. So, you ask your friend for help.

Your friend tells you: "First, you need to build the walls. Then, you can add the towers. Finally, you can put the roof on top."

These are the production rules for building a castle. They tell you the steps you need to follow in order to build your castle.

In computer programming, we use production rules to tell a computer what to do. These rules are written in a special language that the computer can understand.

For example, let's say we want to teach a computer how to make a sandwich. We would write the production rules like this:

IF you have bread AND you have peanut butter AND you have jelly THEN make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

This tells the computer the steps it needs to follow in order to make a sandwich. It needs to check if we have all the ingredients, and then it can make the sandwich.

So, production rule representation is the process of writing these rules in a language that the computer can understand. It's like giving the computer a recipe to follow.