ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Progressive segmented frame

Have you ever watched a movie or a video and noticed that the picture is moving really smoothly? That's because the video has a lot of frames in it. A frame is like a picture that makes up the video.

Now, let's talk about progressive segmented frames. Usually, videos have frames that show the entire picture all at once. But with progressive segmented frames, the video is split into segments and each segment is processed separately.

Think of it like building a puzzle. Instead of putting all the pieces together at once, you're putting one section at a time. So, in a video with progressive segmented frames, one section of the picture will be shown first and then another section will be shown next.

This technique helps to make the video look smoother and less jerky, especially for fast-moving scenes. It's like watching a flipbook animation that moves seamlessly from one page to another.

Overall, progressive segmented frames are like putting together a puzzle one segment at a time to make a smoother video that's easier to watch.