ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Project Canvas

A project canvas is like a very big piece of paper where we can write down all the important things we need to know about our project. It helps us to plan and organize everything we need to do to make sure that we can finish our project successfully.

Imagine that you are going to build a sandcastle on the beach. Before you start building, you need to think about a few things. What kind of castle do you want to build? How big is it going to be? What tools and equipment do you need? When do you want to finish building it?

The project canvas is a way to answer all these questions and also helps to keep track of everything you need to do. It is like a checklist that you can check off as you complete each task.

On the project canvas, you can write things like the purpose of your project, the goals you want to achieve, the resources you need, the timeline for completing the project, and who is responsible for each task. This helps you to stay organized and ensure that everyone working on the project is on the same page.

In summary, a project canvas is a tool that helps you plan, organize, and execute a project successfully by providing a clear picture of what needs to be done and who is responsible for each task.