ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Project Denver

Project Denver is like building a super-smart jungle gym for your toy cars. The jungle gym is a special place where your toy cars can go to learn and become really, really fast. Just like how you learn and get smarter by going to school and reading books, the toy cars learn by going to the jungle gym and doing special exercises.

But why do we need a special jungle gym for toy cars? Well, in the same way that you need a teacher to help you learn and grow, your computer needs a special kind of brain to help it do really complex things. Project Denver is like giving your computer a really smart brain that can learn and do lots of things at the same time.

But how does the jungle gym work? Imagine that you have a really big pile of Legos that you need to put together to make a giant tower. It would take you a really long time to do it by yourself, right? But if you had a friend to help you, you could put the Legos together much faster. Project Denver is like having a team of friends to help your computer put together the Legos and do really complex things much faster.

So, to sum it up, Project Denver is like building a really smart jungle gym for your computer, where it can learn and become much faster at doing really complex things. Just like how you need a teacher and friends to help you learn and grow, your computer needs Project Denver to help it do really cool things.