ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Project MKNAOMI was a secret program run by the United States government back in the 1950s and 1960s. Its purpose was to find ways to make poisons and toxins that could be used against enemies of the U.S. Basically, the government wanted to have sneaky ways to hurt bad guys if we ever needed to.

The scientists involved in the project did some experiments to see what kinds of poisons and toxins would work best. They tested things like LSD (which can make you see and hear things that aren't really there), anthrax (which can make you really sick), and botulinum toxin (which stops your muscles from working). They even made special poisons that could be put into cigarettes or on doorknobs to make people sick without them knowing.

Some people think that the U.S. government didn't just use these poisons against enemies of the country. They believe that the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) used them against people in other countries and even some Americans who were considered threats to national security. But because the project was a secret, we can't be sure exactly what happened.