ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, imagine you have a big piece of paper that you want to fold into different shapes. Sometimes when you fold the paper, it changes the way the shapes look, right? Projectivization is kinda like that.

It's a big fancy word that means taking something, like a shape for example, and turning it into a different shape by stretching and shrinking it. But not just any kind of stretching and shrinking - we're talking about a very special kind called perspective.

Perspective is like when you draw something to make it look like it's far away or close up. You know when you stand on the sidewalk and look down the road and the buildings get smaller and smaller? That's perspective too!

So projectivization is when you take something and stretch and shrink it using perspective to create a new shape. It's really useful in lots of things like math, art, and even science!