ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prokaryotic DNA replication

Okay kiddo, so you know how all living things have DNA that tells them how to grow and do all the things they need to do to survive? Well, prokaryotes are tiny living things that have a very simple type of DNA called prokaryotic DNA.

When they need to make a copy of their DNA so they can divide into two new cells, they go through a process called replication. It's kind of like making a copy of a coloring page to give to your friend.

First, the DNA strands unwind and separate from each other. Think of it like untangling your necklace chain. Then, special proteins called enzymes come in and start building new DNA strands by matching up little building blocks called nucleotides.

Now here's where things get a little more complicated. Prokaryotes have one big loop of DNA instead of lots of little chromosomes like we do. So instead of having a bunch of starting and stopping points, the enzymes just keep going around and around the loop until they've copied all of the DNA.

Finally, once the DNA is all copied, the prokaryote can start to build new cell walls and divide into two new cells, each with its own copy of the DNA. And that's how prokaryotic DNA replication works!