ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prompt corner

Have you ever been to the theater? If you have, then you might have noticed a special corner on the stage where some actors go to say their lines. This is called the "prompt corner."

The prompt corner is a place where an actor can go if they forget their lines or they need some help remembering what to say. There is a special person called the "prompter" who sits in this corner and whispers the lines to the actor so they can say them correctly.

The prompter is like a secret helper for the actors. They are usually hidden from the audience so nobody can see them. They use a special microphone and speaking system to quietly say the lines to the actor so that they can hear them without anyone else knowing.

So, the next time you go to the theater, try to spot the prompt corner and see if you can see the prompter helping the actors!