ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Proof of concept

A proof of concept is like a trial to see if an idea actually works. Imagine you have an idea for a toy car that can fly. You might draw pictures or write down ideas about what it should look like and how it should work, but you won't know for sure that it will actually work until you build a small model and test it out. This little model is your proof of concept. It helps you see if your idea is possible and if you can make it work.

Similarly, if you have an idea for a new app, you may have a vision in your mind of what it will look like and how it will function, but you won't know if it's possible until you create a basic version of the app and try it out. This is also called a proof of concept.

The goal of a proof of concept is to make sure that an idea will work before investing a lot of time and money into turning it into a finished product. It's like taking a little test to make sure your idea is a good one before trying to make it into something bigger.