ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Proposed Welsh independence referendum

Okay kiddo, so you know how you live in a house with your family, and sometimes your parents make decisions for the whole family? Well, Wales is sort of like a big family too, but it has its own government and leaders who make decisions for the people who live there.

Right now, some people in Wales are talking about maybe having a big vote called a referendum. That's when everyone who lives in Wales gets to decide if they want to stay part of the bigger family called the United Kingdom, or if they want to be their own separate family.

It's like if you and your sisters and brothers were trying to decide if you wanted to keep living in the same house with your parents, or if you wanted to move out and get your own house. Some people in Wales think that they would be better off if they had their own house, so they want to vote for independence.

But not everyone in Wales thinks that's a good idea. Some people think it's better to stay part of the bigger family because it means they can work together with other countries and share ideas and resources. It's like if you and your siblings wanted to go to the park, it might be more fun to bring some of your cousins and friends along to play too.

So, the people in Wales are still talking about it and trying to decide what's best for them. It's always good to talk about big decisions like this and make sure everyone has a say.