ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Proposed referendum on the Brexit withdrawal agreement

Okay kiddo, let me explain it to you in a way you'll understand:

Imagine that you and your friends decide to build a big tower of blocks. You all work together and build it up high, but then one of your friends decides they don't want to play anymore and knocks the tower over.

That's a bit like what happened with Brexit. The United Kingdom was part of a big group of countries called the European Union (EU), but some people in the UK didn't want to be part of the group anymore. They voted to leave the EU, and they started working on a plan for how that would happen.

But building a new arrangement between the UK and the EU has been really complicated, and not everyone agrees on how it should work. The UK's leaders have been negotiating with the EU for a long time, and they finally came up with a plan called the Withdrawal Agreement.

Now, some people in the UK don't think the Withdrawal Agreement is a good idea. They think it will make things harder for the country, and they want a different plan. So, they're calling for a referendum.

A referendum means that everyone in the country gets to vote on whether they want to accept the Withdrawal Agreement or not. It's a way for people to have their say and make their voices heard.

If the referendum happens and most people vote against the Withdrawal Agreement, then the UK's leaders will have to come up with a new plan. But if most people vote in favor of it, then the Withdrawal Agreement will be put into effect and the UK will leave the EU.

So, that's the proposed referendum on the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement in a nutshell. It's like a big vote to decide whether everyone in the UK thinks the plan for leaving the EU is a good one or not.