ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prosecution disclaimer

Okay kiddo, let's talk about prosecution disclaimer! When people make inventions or discoveries, they can apply for something called a patent. This means that they can be the only ones who can make and sell their invention or discovery for a certain period of time.

But sometimes, they might want to change something about their patent, like maybe they realize they made a mistake or they want to narrow down what their patent covers. This is where we talk about prosecution disclaimer!

Basically, it's like when you draw a circle and then decide you only want to color in the top half. You're saying that you're only claiming the top half as yours, and everyone else can use the bottom half if they want. In the same way, when someone makes a prosecution disclaimer, they're telling everyone that they only want to claim certain parts of their invention or discovery as theirs. This means that other people can use the parts that weren't claimed without getting in trouble.

And that's prosecution disclaimer! It might seem complicated, but it's really just a way for people to be more specific about what they're claiming as their own when they get a patent.
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