ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Disclaimer (patent)

When you make something really cool, like a toy or a machine, you might want to keep other people from copying it and selling it without your permission. This is where a patent comes in. It's like a special paper that says, "This idea belongs to me and no one else can use it without my permission."

When you get a patent, you have to tell everyone exactly how your invention works so they can understand it. This way, they can't just change a little thing and say it's their own idea. You also have to pay some money to the government to get the patent.

However, having a patent doesn't mean that nobody can ever copy your idea. If someone else has a really similar idea, but they came up with it all by themselves and didn't copy you, they might be able to make it, too. Also, patents only last for a certain amount of time, so after a while other people will be able to use your idea without having to ask you for permission.