ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Amendments under the European Patent Convention

When people invent new things, they often want to protect their ideas so no one else can copy them without permission. This is called a patent. In Europe, there is a system of rules called the European Patent Convention that helps people get patents for their inventions.

Sometimes, the rules for getting a patent need to be changed or added to. This is where amendments come in. Amendments are like adding new parts to a game so that everyone can play fair.

In the European Patent Convention, people can suggest changes to the rules by making what's called a "proposal for an amendment." Just like when you ask a grown-up if you can add a rule to a game, the people in charge of the European Patent Convention have to agree to the changes.

Once the changes are agreed upon, they become an amendment to the European Patent Convention, and everyone has to follow the new rules. This helps make sure that everyone who wants to invent something and get a patent has a fair chance to do so.