ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Proto-Celtic language

Proto-Celtic language was a language that people who lived in Europe a very long time ago spoke. It was kind of like a really old version of the Celtic languages that are spoken in different parts of Europe today.

Proto-Celtic was made up of lots of different sounds that people made with their mouths, like "uh," "ah," "ee," and "oo." They would put these sounds together to make words, kind of like how we put letters together to make words when we write or type.

Some of the words they used in Proto-Celtic might not make sense to us now because we don't use that language anymore. But some words are still similar to words we use today. For example, "mat-ir" in Proto-Celtic meant "mother," which is a word we still use today.

The people who spoke Proto-Celtic lived a very long time ago, so we don't have any recordings or written documents of their language. Instead, we scientists who study language can use things like old writing and stories to try and piece together what that language might have sounded like and what words they used. It's kind of like a puzzle that we have to figure out!