ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Providence Plantations

Providence Plantations was a place in America where people lived a long time ago. It was not one big area, but many small areas around a big city called Providence. People who lived in Providence Plantations were called colonists because they came from a different country called England. The land they lived on was owned by a few wealthy people who allowed them to live there if they worked for them.

These colonists had a hard time at first because it was difficult to grow crops and make money. But they worked together to build houses, clear the land, and plant crops like corn and wheat. They also started trading with other colonies and even some Native American tribes.

As time went by, the colonists became more organized and formed a government. They wrote a document called the Charter of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations which is a very important paper that gave them the right to govern themselves. They also had a law called the Rhode Island Act of 1663 which allowed freedom of religion, meaning people could choose whichever God they wanted to worship which was not common in those times.

Eventually, Providence Plantations became a state called Rhode Island but kept the name Providence Plantations in its official name for a long time. Today, it's still called Rhode Island and Providence Plantations on some official papers, but most people just refer to it as Rhode Island.