ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Proxy marriage

Proxy marriage is like when you pretend you're someone else at a birthday party because your friend can't make it, except it's for getting married.

You and your partner still want to get married, but maybe one of you is far away or can't be there for some reason. So, you can ask someone else to stand in the place of your missing partner and say all the wedding vows on their behalf. This person is called the proxy.

Imagine you and your partner want to get married, but your partner is in a different country and can't travel to where you are. You could ask a friend or a family member from your partner's country to act as the proxy. The proxy would stand in for your partner and say "I do" when it's time to say the vows.

Proxy marriage can be helpful in special circumstances, such as when one of the partners is serving in the military overseas, or when a partner is sick or unable to attend the wedding due to other reasons.

However, it's important to remember that not all places allow proxy marriage, and there might be specific rules and regulations you have to follow. So if you're considering a proxy marriage, it's best to consult with a lawyer or check with the local authorities to make sure everything is legal and legitimate.