ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pseudorandom noise

Have you ever played with a toy that makes a strange sound when you shake it? Well, pseudorandom noise is kind of like that toy.

Imagine you have a magic box that can create a lot of numbers. But sometimes you want those numbers to look like they were chosen randomly - this is when you might use pseudorandom noise.

The magic box starts by picking a special number called a seed. Then it uses some fancy math tricks to create a long list of numbers that look like they were picked randomly. But, because the box always starts with the same seed and uses the same tricks, it will always create the exact same list of numbers every time.

It's like when you color a picture using the same crayons every time - you'll always get the same picture. But if you use different crayons, you'll get a different picture.

This is why pseudorandom noise is called "pseudo". It's not truly random since it's based on a set of rules, but it's close enough to random that we can use it for things like generating secure passwords or creating atmospheric sounds for movies and video games.