ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Psychological operations (United States)

Okay kiddo, sometimes when people want to get something done, they use not just their hands, but their minds to persuade others to do it for them. This is called "psychological operations," also known as "psyops."

In the United States, psychological operations are usually done by the military or government to influence people's thoughts and behavior. They use different kinds of media like radio, TV, social media, posters, flyers, and even conversations with people to persuade them to do what they want.

Think of it like convincing your friend to play a game with you. If you use fancy words and tell them how much fun the game is, they might be more likely to play it. That's kind of what psychological operations do, but on a much bigger scale.

One example of psyops in the U.S. is when the government wants to encourage people to join the military. They might make a video that shows how proud and strong soldiers are, or put up posters with slogans like "Be All You Can Be." They want people to think that joining the military is a good thing to do.

However, not everyone thinks psyops are a good thing. Some people think it's a form of propaganda or brainwashing, which means trying to control what people think and do. Others think that it can be used to deceive people or spread false information.

So while psychological operations can be helpful in some ways, it's important to remember that they are a powerful tool that can also be misused.